Great Online Promotions We're In This Together Promotion

For Every PPE Product Sold, We Are Providing A PPE Product To A Local Business In Need!
If You Know What PPE Item You Need, Please Use The Search Field At The Top Of The Page For The Best Search Results
We know that right now is a difficult time for everyone, including us. As a small business that provides promotional products to other small and medium sized businesses, we recognize that now is not the time to be focused on our personal growth, but instead helping each of us survive this time so we can still be here for each other over the coming months and years.
For this reason we are purposely only taking a small profit on all the masks and PPE products we sell - enough to pay our staff and keep them employed. Also, for every mask and PPE product we sell, we will provide a PPE product to another small business in need of PPE supplies but simply can't afford them. We are partnering with local churches and small business centers to connect with the small businesses that have the greatest need.
As mentioned above, we are also discounting ALL PPE items by 15%-30% to break even aside from the amount needed to pay our staff & obtain PPE for a small business in need. This way ALL businesses can have the safety and protection they need! Hopefully, this means we can all help each other as the nation begins to open back up for business but with a major caution around keeping everyone, including ourselves, safe in the process!